Thursday, October 9, 2014

How to "hack" a cheap 4 Channel MT-600 Transmitter into a 6 Channel

I decided to write a short tutorial on how to add 2 extra channels to my MT-600 transmitter, it's relatively easy, but basic soldering skills are required (being able to hold a soldering iron ;) )

What you need:
  • Any cheap Soldering Iron
  • Some Solder
  • 5 pieces of wire (approx. 10 - 15cm)
  • a two position switch
  • a three position switch
  • Skrewdriver

This is how you do it:
  • unscrew all 6 Philips head screws (4 big and 2 small ones)

  • At the back of the main PCB you will see 5 soldering pins in total (two at the top and three on the bottom)

  • simply solder the two pins at the top in the right direction and the three bottom pins to the left. It should look like this:

  • The three wires should now be soldered to the three connections on your three-way switch. As you can see in my picture the switch surprisingly fitted right into the drilled holes of the upper left PCB

  • The two wires can now be soldered onto the two-way switch

  • To close the hatch just screw it back together, don't forget the tiny ones at the top
There you go, that's how easy it is to convert a 4 to a 6 channel Receiver (at least this type).
As you can see I did some further modification by soldering two wires to the power pins on the main PCB. I don't like these Nimh Batteries very much so I wanted some extra power connectors coming out of the case to be connected to a lipo cell. You can see the result in the picture (sry for the bad quality)

There also seem to be a three trainer connections, but I wasn't able to figure out how they work. Would've been useless anyway because I don't own a second Transmitter :P

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